International Scientific and Practical Conference The Turkic World: Geopolitics and cultural realities, dedicated to the 75th anniversary Baku Slavic University


We invite you to take part in the International Scientific Conference “The Turkic World: Geopolitics and Cultural Realities“, which will be held on November 26, 2021 at Baku Slavic University.

Conference sections:

1. Philological sciences

2. Social sciences

3. Methods of teaching foreign languages

4. Psychology and pedagogical sciences

Working languages of the conference: Azerbaijani, Russian, English, Turkic.

Conference format:  online.

The conference materials will be published on the university’s website. The ISBN index will be published at the end of the conference.

Applications for participation in the conference and the texts of scientific reports are accepted until November 25, 2021 by e-mail:


Requirements for the design of conference materials:

1. Text format: Microsoft Word

2. Page format: A4 (210×297 mm)

3. Margins (up, down, right, left): 2 cm

4. Print: 12, Times New Roman font

5. Line spacing: 1.5

6. Paragraph:1.5

7. The volume of the article: 5-6 pages

8. The originality of the text: at least 70 %

Requirements for the design of the article:

1. The name, Surname, patronymic, scientific degree and address of the author are mandatory (in bold both in the language of the article and in English).

2. The title of the article in capital letters, bold.

3. The name of the institution and the city in the usual font.

The Organizing Committee reserves the right to reject materials that do not correspond to the specified subject, the requirements for registration and submitted after the specified period.

For all questions related to organizational issues, please contact: AZ 1014, S.Rustam str., 33, Baku Slavic University, Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan.

Form of compilation of the article:


Mammad Mammadov

Place of work, degree, address, contact phone


         Keywords: (in the language of the text and in English) (6-7 words)

Summary in English (150 words)




Phones: +99412 599-08-70, internal 213.

Note: a collection of published articles will be presented at the end of the section sessions only after the report of the author.