Department of English language

Head of Department – candidate of philological sciences, associate professor Rakhimov Mahmadnazar Safarovich


Tel: 918 92 99 19

Address:  Student Campus No. 16, 17; (Buni Hisorak area)

In 1948, the Department of Foreign and Russian Languages was established at the University. In 1951, this department was divided into two – the Department of Foreign Literature and the Department of Foreign Languages. The founder and organizer of this department was Professor M. B. Shakhobova, who headed it in 1948-1964.

In 1964-1979, Associate Professor G.B. Barakayeva was the head of the English Department at the University.

The Department was headed by the following persons in different years: In 1980-1990, associate professor Kamolova A.R., from 1992 to 2002, associate professor Makhmadnazarov A., from 2002 to 2009 – Gadoev B., from 2009 to 2018 – professor Saidov H. A. and today the head of the Department is the candidate of philological sciences Rakhimov Mahmadnazar.

The Department should replenish the teaching staff with talented and young specialists and pay serious attention to deep and comprehensive teaching of the English language.

The Department actively cooperates with international organizations. After the signing of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan “On improving the teaching and learning of English and Russian languages in the Republic of Tajikistan” dated April 4, 2003, Department has got very important and responsible tasks to perform.

The teachers of the Department are trying to use new methods for the training of linguists. Today, teachers of the Department educate students in the spirit of patriotism so that they could talk about their country in English on various topics. In addition, they are provided with sufficient information about English-speaking countries. At the same time, teachers of the Department actively participate in public activities.