2022 New Year Greetings Address


Dear compatriots!

I sincerely congratulate all of you with the 2022 New Year and wish each of you good health, success, and a prosperous life.

The year 2021 became a truly historic year for our dear Tajikistan.

We marked the 30th anniversary of our state independence in 2021. The glorious people of Tajikistan celebrated this sacred and great holiday with pride, enthusiasm and triumph.

Therefore, 2021 will be written in golden letters in the history of the new Tajik statehood.

In this regard, I would like to proudly note that our honorable, hardworking, and generous people, as well as patriotic entrepreneurs worked together to facilitate the worthy celebration of this great national holiday. They showed their devotion to the Motherland and the values of independence and freedom of our homeland.

The most remote villages and settlements, as well as all the districts and cities became more prosperous and beautiful, and many social problems of the country were eliminated due to the conscientious work, loyal activity, and patriotic effort of the people of Tajikistan.

In 2021, our independent country made significant progress in all areas. The living conditions of our people improved, and the image of Tajikistan in the international arena was further strengthened.

At the same time, the Government of Tajikistan created a separate important task to ensure economic and social development of the country for the next five years, that is, until the 35th anniversary of state independence, and to further improve the living standards and quality of life of the population.

Along with the achievements and progress we have made so far, there are still many unresolved issues and problems in the life of our people. Now, the task of each one of us, – the citizens of independent Tajikistan, is to work even harder to achieve the goals set before us and achieve the targets of the plans and programs we have adopted.

I would like to remind you that our confidence is strong and determined to solve the existing problems, that is, to ensure a peaceful and prosperous life for our people, a prosperous future of the Motherland, and strengthening the economic potential of the state.

In order to achieve our noble goals and implement our creative plans and programs, we have the necessary resources and opportunities, and most importantly, patriotic, hardworking and honorable people.

Our compatriots are well aware that the situation in the region and the world is becoming more complicated and unpredictable. In addition to this, challenges such as global warming, draught, rising food prices, and fuel and food shortages are causing many problems for people all over the world.

In such conditions, we must strive to use the available resources and opportunities as efficiently and rationally as possible. We must increase production, further supply the food market so as to meet the needs of the people for food, strengthen the country’s export potential, and give priority to the issue of economy.

Next year through 2026 have been declared the Period of Industrial Development. The purpose of this initiative is to give a serious impetus to the development of industry within the framework of the strategic goal of rapid industrialization of the country.

The development of industry is one of the most important factors in the development of the state, the growth of the budget revenues, the provision of the country’s population with domestic goods and products, and the creation of new jobs for our compatriots.

Dear compatriots, I would like to remind you that with the completion of 2021 and commencement of 2022, our country will enter into a new stage of development.

All our efforts during this period should be aimed at further prosperity and beautification of our beloved Motherland, further progress and strengthening of our independent state, improvement of living conditions of our people, and raising the prestige of the Tajik sovereign state in the international arena.

Expressing my confidence in the realization of our good intentions and plans, I once again, sincerely congratulate all the glorious people of the country with the New Year 2022 and wish every citizen good health, happiness, success, and prosperity.

Happy New Year 2022, dear compatriots!
