Project “The World Reads Chekhov”


Dear friends,

We would like to invite you to join the international community of connoisseurs of Anton Chekhov, a world-known playwright and short-story writer.

The literature project “The World Reads Chekhov” has brought together scientists, artists, students, and readers from 36 countries. In order to participate, you need to make a video where you are reading aloud an excerpt from any Chekhov’s work in any language for not longer than 2 minutes. The organizing committee publish all the videos on the official page of TaganrogCity.Com in Facebook ( The committee is also engaged in their promotion.

By joining “The World Reads Chekhov,” you help to popularize Chekhov’s legacy – an integral part of world literature.

All participants will receive digital certificates of participation from Taganrog, the home city of Anton Chekhov.

The deadline is February 1st, 2023.

Please send your videos to

More information is available at