9th International Scientific Interdisciplinary Conference on Research and Methodology Functional Aspects of Intercultural Communication. Translation and Interpreting Issues


RUDN University, Institute of Foreign Languages

Moscow, Miklukho-Maklaya str.9, lecture hall

November 18, 2022


10:00 am-6:00 pm


The deadline for abstract submission is October 31, 2022!

Conference Organizers: Institute of Foreign Languages of RUDN (Russia), Faculty of Philology of Moscow State Lomonosov University (Russia), Faculty of Translation and Interpreting of the University of Granada (Spain), Russian Centre of the University of Granada (Spain), Higher Institute of Languages in Tunis of the University of Carthage (Tunisia), Moscow State Linguistic University (Russia), Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Kazakhstan), Erzia International Art Foundation (Russia), The National Autonomous University of Mexico (Mexico).

Goal of the Conference:

To reveal the diversity of functional aspects of intercultural communication within the process of world education integration, to focus on translation and interpreting issues in the conditions of the modern society.

List of Main Issues to Be Discussed:

  • interrelation between functional approaches of intercultural communication and interpretation issues
  • intercultural communication in educational activity
  • intercultural component of linguistic personality in understanding socio-cultural reality
  • hypertextuality and discursive approach in computational linguistics
  • formation of discursive socio-cultural competence of future translators and interpreters in language training process
  • digital technologies in teaching / learning foreign languages
  • computational linguistics and artificial intelligence

Keynote Speakers at the Plenary Session (10:00am – 13.00pm):

Svetlana A. Yakovleva, PhD, Professor, National researcher of Mexico, Russian language teacher, Center for Foreign Languages of the Faculty of Aragon, The National Autonomous University of Mexico (Mexico)


Rubén Darío Florez Arcila, PhD, Professor, Director of the Editorial Center of the Faculty of Humanities, National University of Colombia, Director of the Institute of Culture named after L.N. Tolstoy in Bogotá (Colombia)

Ouannes Hafiane, PhD, DLitt (Habil.), Professor, Director of the Research Laboratory LR19ES19 – LANGUAGE AND CULTURAL FORMS, Higher Institute of Languages of Tunis,University of Carthage (Tunisia)

Olga V. Alexandrova, Professor, Dr. of Philology, Deputy Dean for Research, Faculty of Philology, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia)

Conference language: English, Russian

Registration fee is 1500 rubles. For students – 750 rubles.

Registration deadline is October 31, 2022

Registration, applications for participation and publication are submitted through the website:


Abstracts of individual papers (300-350 words not including bibliography) should be submitted by October 31, 2022.

Extended abstracts (2,000 words) are due by November 14, 2022.

Notification of acceptance will be announced by the November 14, 2022.

Abstracts and Extended abstracts are accepted in English only.

Conference Proceedings are indexed in the RSCI database. The editorial board reserves the right to competitive selection of abstracts and extended abstracts for publication.

We look forward for your

participation in our conference!

Contact persons:

Natalia S. Erokhova,
Organizing and Program Committee, Deputy Chairman
tel. +7(495)787-38-03#2438, e-mail: erokhova-ns@rudn.ru

Tatyana V. Boldovskaya,
Organizing and Program Committee, Responsible for editorial and publishing work
tel. +7(495)787-38-03#2438, e-mail:  boldovskaya-tv@rudn.ru

Margarita A. Smolkina,

Organizing and Program Committee, Secretary

e-mail: smolkina-ma@rudn.ru