Address by the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, H.E. Emomali Rahmon “On Major Dimensions of Tajikistan’s Domestic and Foreign Policy”


28.12.2023 15:40, Dushanbe city

Distinguished members of Majlisi Milli and delegates of Majlisi Namoyandagon!

Dear compatriots!

Despite the unprecedented complexity of the modern world, as well as climate change and its negative impacts – such as droughts and water scarcity that have been occurring in the region in recent years—Tajikistan had another successful year in 2023, due to the hard work of the country’s proud people.

There have been achieved a significant progress in every aspect of society’s life and the country’s GDP increased by 8.3 percent compare to the previous year and has reached over 130 billion somoni.

In addition to providing 102,5% of the country’s income for the budget, the state and government have taken concrete steps to meet their social duties and resolve problems associated with the growth of the nation’s social and economic domains.

The state budget provided more than 40 billion somoni for this purpose, which is 5.3 billion somoni more than in 2022.

Prioritizing the prevention of potential risks to the national economy, making efficient use of available resources, industrialization of the country, and creating jobs have been the main priorities of the government in recent years.

In addition, we declared that among the top priorities would be the establishment of a “green economy,” accelerating the economy’s digitization, developing human resources, raising the competitiveness of homegrown goods, bolstering export prospects, and enhancing the standard of social services.

We were able to provide development indicators at this crucial time despite the negative effects of recent years, as well as COVID-19, trade disputes, regional conflicts, the disruption of the system of international economic and financial relations, and their direct impact on the national economy.

Over the past seven years, the GDP has grown 1.5 times, and the national economy has developed at an average pace of 7.5%.

Although during the COVID-19 pandemic, we have been subject to economic and commercial restrictions for more than two years.

The population’s total income increased by 3.3 times over the course of this period, from 37.2 billion somoni in 2017 to 112.7 billion somoni in 2023.

The average wage increased more than twice and the total amount of the final pension salary increased by 1.9 times.

In recent years, despite the rise in global prices, the country’s inflation rate has remained constant and had been 3.8 percent in 2023.

Because of the implementation of the mentioned measures, the poverty level has reduced from 29.5% in 2017 to 21.2% in 2023.

In the last two decades, our peoples’ standard of living has gradually improved, and the poverty rate has been reduced from 83 percent in 1999 to 62 percent in 2023.

To continue this process, the Government has been given order to implement specific measures to reduce poverty by 10% during the following seven years.

In this regard, it is required to ensure that the national economy develops at a pace of not less than 8% in 2024 through the effective implementation of the adopted programs and plans.

Esteemed Parliament members,

At the result of the implementation of the country’s constructive programs, the percentage of the state budget’s income improved year after year, and its volume in 2023 increased by 1.6 times compared to 2017.

With the advent of the opportunity, the social nature of the state budget was enhanced, and expenditures for science and education, healthcare, and other social sectors increased from 9.6 billion somoni in 2017 to 18.5 billion somoni in 2023, thus increase by 1.9 times.

Over the last seven years, the state budget has allocated more than 21.9 billion somoni to support the vulnerable groups of the population through the payment of pensions, allowances, and compensations, the maintenance of social security institutions, and other obligations, including the allocation of 4 billion somoni for these purposes in 2023 alone.

During this time, there were allocated 2 billion and 70 million somoni only for the targeted social assistance for the poor families and disabled children, as well as for one-time compensation to disaster victims.

The Government will further implement needed measures in the future to support social sectors and raise the standard and quality of living of the people.

The overall amount of state budget expenditures for social sectors will increase over the next three years, with 61 billion somoni allocated for this purpose.

The Ministry of Finance, along with the relevant state structures and authorities have to intensify the process of digitalization of the finance and tax spheres and promptly establish a comprehensive system of digital financing in order to ensure revenue indicators of the state budget, efficiency of its expenditures, and full coverage of possible sources of budget incomes.

In the next two years, the Ministries of Finance, Economic Development and Trade, as well as the National Bank and other ministries and agencies, should implement a non-cash payment system in all sectors, including in the trade and service points, and assure the integration of efforts in this direction.

The above ministries and agencies should take the required steps to develop securities market, particularly the «green» securities and secondary market in order to attract domestic and foreign capital.

The assets of the country’s financial and credit structures arose by 22% in 2023 compared to the previous year, totaling 39.6 billion somoni.

The banking system’s loan offer arose by 31.1 percent in 2023 compared to 2022, totaling 18.5 billion somoni.

The total amount of small loans provided scaled by 32.1%, totalling 13.3 billion somoni.

Loans to women entrepreneurs grew by 30% and reached 4.8 billion somoni.

During this period, the overall savings of the population and legal entities in domestic credit organizations scaled by 32%, reaching 18.6 billion somoni.

It is necessary for the National Bank and credit organizations to make extra efforts in order to find other sources of funding and, in this context, to enhance the offer of long-term, affordable, and low-interest loans, as well as complete deployment of the digital banking system in all regions of the country and widespread use of financial technologies.

The Government has identified the development of the private sector, entrepreneurship, and investment as the primary ways of achieving national goals in the National Development Strategy-2030 and is constantly taking steps to improve the conditions favorable to business and investment, to make the country’s economy more attractive for investments and to focus on exports.

As a result of the adopted measures, the number of business entities increased by 62 thousand in the last seven years, reaching 350 thousand by the end of 2023.

Over the past seven years, the country’s entrepreneurs have built and renovated more than 2 thousand enterprises and factories, creating 21 thousand jobs. During these years, there were constructed 1 thousand 380 educational facilities, 1 thousand 213 health facilities, 11 thousand 500 kilometers of roads and 461 bridges.

In 2023 alone, the country’s entrepreneurs built and commissioned 715 new manufacturing enterprises with 5 thousand jobs.

Our patriotic entrepreneurs completed the construction and renovation of 139 healthcare facilities and 117 facilities in the field of education for almost 43 thousand pupils in the current year.

Taking this opportunity, I would like to express my deepest appreciation to all our generous and kind entrepreneurs and investors for their helpful initiatives towards the development and advancement of our beloved motherland.

The Government and local executive authorities are obligated to implement prompt measures to increase transparency, improve the business and investment atmosphere, remove administrative and artificial barriers in this direction and render their full support to entrepreneurs’ initiatives.

According to statistics, over 95 billion somoni of foreign investment have entered the country in the last seven years, with more than 30 billion somoni being direct investments.

During this time, almost 1 thousand 400 public investment projects, totaling 36 billion somoni have been implemented at the expense of the state budget and foreign capital in various economic and social spheres.

Currently, there are 724 state investment projects totaling 152 billion somoni being implemented in the country.

According to the “National Development Strategy 2030,” direct investments will reach 10% of GDP by 2026, and more than 60 billion somoni of direct investments should be attracted to the national economy in the span of 2022-2026.

In 2023 there are more than 7 billion somoni of foreign capital and enterprises’ funds were allocated for the establishment of new industrial production, expansion of fixed assets through importing energy-efficient equipment and technologies and producing new competitive goods, which is 1.5 times more than in 2022.

This process must prioritize new job creation, strengthening cooperation with domestic and foreign companies, investors, development partners, and international financial organizations to establish new production units with modern energy-efficient technologies, and in this context, to attain the main goals of the country’s economic and social growth.

In this regard, the Government should take necessary measures to improve the system of foreign investment attraction, as well as to develop, propose, and efficiently implement investment projects in the real sector of the economy, particularly in the industrial and agro-industrial sectors.

The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade and the State Committee on Investment and State Property Management should develop national ecological, social and management standards for entrepreneurs to increase investment opportunities in the country.

Distinguished compatriots!

Industry and innovation are one of the major sources for country’s further development and their progress allows us to find extra sources of income for the state budget and create new jobs for our population.

During the years of Independence, thanks to the implementation of plans and programs in the field of industrial development there were created more than 3 thousand industrial enterprises with 54 thousand jobs.

Because of increasing industrial capacities alone during the years of independence, the electricity demand has increased by more than 800 megawatts.

Over the past 75 years (until 1991), there were operating 358 industrial enterprises with 33 thousand workplaces in the republic.

Only after the restoration of peace and stability, the uninterrupted operation of the paralyzed branches of government, we had the opportunity to engage in the economic and social development of our country.

In other words, we started our country’s economic development since 2000, only 23 years ago.

Given the industry’s great significance in the country’s further development, we have declared the years 2022-2026 as “Years of Industrial Development”.

With the aim to implement this initiative, there were created more than 1,200 new factories and production plants with 11 thousand workplaces over the last two years.

This year, the volume of industrial production compared to 1992 increased by 4.6 times and reached more than 46 billion somoni.

During the last seven years alone, this figure has increased by 2.4 times.

However, there still exists a wide range of problems in the process of rapid industrialization of the country, such as depreciation of equipment, weak competitiveness of products and its diversity, shortage of capital needed for enterprises, as well as highly qualified personnel.

Moreover, I would like to emphasize that the export in industrial products began slowing down this year.

In 2022, exports of industrial products reached 22.8 billion somoni, but in 2023 this figure amounted to only 18.5 billion somoni, thereby decreasing by 19 percent.

Therefore, the Government, the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies and the local executive authorities of the state need to ensure a substantial rise in processing volumes and export-oriented products, enhance production competitiveness and diversification, effective allocation of production capacities and construction of industrial complexes.

The Ministry of Industry and New Technologies, together with heads of the regions, cities and districts, should attach primary attention to enhancing light industry, food, and folk crafts, thereby enabling full processing of local raw materials and providing job opportunities to the population, especially youth and women.

On the above-mentioned issues, the Government is obliged to implement specific measures to improve the personnel training systems for the real economy sector, and given the priorities of economy, to create industrial complexes, agro-industry and services.

As our distinguished compatriots well aware, the climate change has become a primary issue of global concern in recent years.  Tajikistan also remains under its negative influence.

Each year natural disasters, such as droughts, floods, and avalanches, cause major damage to the country’s population and the economy.

Therefore, it is necessary to implement additional measures in the direction of public investment and digitization of environmental protection in order to produce “green energy”, develop “green economy” and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

In this context, the Main Department of Geology under the Government by using the obtained results of engineering and geology researchers should develop the Atlas of exogenous and geological processes of the country that highlights vulnerable regions in terms of dangerous natural factors and submit it to the Government.

In addition, the Government and the Main Department of Geology have to expand activities related to enhancement of research, exploration and preparing mineral deposits for industrial exploitation.

The Ministries of Finance, Industry and New Technologies, the Main Department of Geology should take practical measures to find the necessary funds for the enhancing of research and geological activities and identifying existing resources.

It should be noted that in recent years, the steady development in energy sector is providing a favorable basis for country’s rapid industrialization.

In general, during the independence period, there were allocated 85.7 billion somoni by the Government for modernization, that is repairing and revitalizing country’s energy system.

The system, which in the past 75 years has almost reached the end of its operating lifetime, was renovated and modernized.

Without these renovations, we would probably be without electricity today.

During this period, more than 11.3 billion somoni were allocated for the reconstruction of existing hydropower plants, and the Sarband HPP was completely renovated as well and its capacity was increased by 30 megawatts.

Moreover, “Norak” and “Kairokkum” power plants’ reconstruction continues smoothly, and following the completion of construction works, their capacity will increase by 423 megawatts.

The crucial point is that after the reconstruction, the above-mentioned power plants will serve the Tajik people for decades.

Given the abundance of hydropower resources, high production capacity of “green energy” and its export, the Government is making confident steps towards achieving its strategic goal, that is achieving energy independence.

In 2023, Tajikistan’s energy capacity exceeded 6 thousand megawatts, and the electricity production amounted 22 billion kilowatt/hours, which is 4.8 billion kilowatt hours or 28 percent more than in 2017.

To achieve the set goals, it is imperative that the Government, the Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and other related ministries and authorities carry out the following activities in the coming years:

First: to continue the construction of “Rogun” and “Sebzor” hydroelectric power plants and to carry on renovation of active hydropower plants, as well as intensify the activity on attracting funds for the new capacities of «green energy» production and bringing the country’s energy potential to 10 thousand megawatts.

Second: to accelerate technical justification and design works of hydroelectric power plants, such as Shurob with 1 thousand megawatt capacity in Vakhsh River, Sanobod power plant with 500 megawatt in Panj River, including its branch in Ghund River in Shughnon district (part of Rushon river and “Charsem” HPP) with 14 megawatt capacity and to take into account the construction of power transmission lines and other necessary infrastructure for power transmission and distribution. These efforts are aimed at improving the supply of population with electricity and expand     mining sector and the metallurgical industry development.

Third: to take urgent measures in the next 7 years to increase the energy export up to 10 billion kilowatt/hour taking into account the implementation of CAЅA-1000 power transmission line project and reconnection to the Central Asia energy system.

Fourth: to ensure timely implementation of public investment projects aimed at reducing electric power loss and achieving the indicator of 9% of power loss, as well as intensify the process of attracting domestic and foreign investment and utilizing the public private partnership mechanism to solve the existing problems in different cities and districts of the country.

Fifth: to take practical measures to construct power plants from renewable energy sources and increase the “green energy” production capacity up to 1 thousand megawatts until 2030, which would help us to attain the goals of Strategy on the development of “green economy”.

Sixth: to strengthen efforts on the transition of population to energy-efficient equipment in the country’s economic, social, production and communication facilities, as well as the observance of high culture of electricity utilization by population.

We have decided to commission the third unit of the Rogun hydropower plant in 2025.

In 2023, there were allocated more than 5 billion somoni from the state budget for this purpose, and today there are 15 thousand construction workers and 3.5 thousand equipment are working in this construction of the century.

With the implementation of the mentioned measures in 2032, electricity production in the country will be entirely from renewable sources, that is, 100% will be provided by “green energy” (currently 98%). At the same time, according to international standards, greenhouse gas emissions will be reduced to a minimum by 2037.

That is, Tajikistan, as a champion country in the development of a “green economy,” will truly become a “green country” in 2037.

Currently, our country ranks 6th in the world in terms of the percentage of electricity produced from renewable sources.

Esteemed participants!

The Government of Tajikistan from the very first years of independence and despite the difficult economic and financial situation has mobilized all resources and opportunities to bring the country out of communication deadlock and to turn it into a transit country.

During the years of independence, there were implemented 58 state investment projects amounting 26.6 billion somoni on construction and renovation of highways and railways, infrastructure development and strengthening of technical capacity of the above sector. Now work in this direction is ongoing.

In the near future, Tajikistan’s roads will be used as a transit and economic corridor of China-Tajikistan-Afghanistan and China-Tajikistan-Uzbekistan-Turkmenistan-Iran-Turkiye-Europe, as well as Tajikistan-China-Pakistan.

The Government has decided to design and submit a number of priority projects for the construction and renovation of highways of international and republican importance for the creation of economic corridors in the near future and attraction of investment.

Among those projects are: Rushon road to Varshez village of Shugnon district (235 kilometers), from Varshez to Kulma – Karasu (300 kilometers), Bokhtar – Jaloliddin Balkhi – Kubadiyan – Shahrituz – Ayvoj – Uzbekistan’s border (170 kilometers), Khujand – Konibodom (57 kilometers), Khujand – Asht (122 kilometers) and Baljuvon – Sari Khosor (58 kilometers).

To the date, 17 state investment projects worth over 13 billion somoni are being implemented in transport sector.

Currently, construction and renovation projects of Roghun – Obigarm – Nurabad highways (sections No.1 and 2) amounting 3.3 billion somoni and the construction of the country’s largest bridge with a length of 920 meters with a total value of 625 million somoni are being implemented in the Rasht Valley.

In addition, construction of Bekobod – Dehmoy road, Dehmoy – Bobojon Ghafurov, Bobojon Ghafurov – Khistevarz and Konibodom – Kuchkak (52 km) with a total amount of 635 million somoni in Sughd region, Bokhtar – Levakant – Lolazor – Danghara (69 km) amounted to 672 million somoni, Hulbuk – Temurmalik – Kangurt (59 km) amounted to 740 million somoni in Khatlon region are being implemented.

At the same time, in Badakhshan the reconstruction and renovation of highway of Qalai Khumb – Vanj – Rushon district (93 kilometers) comprising of two bridges with a length of 5.2 kilometers at the amount of 2.2 billion somoni is ongoing. As well as two bridges with a length of 283 meters over Ghund and Shorfdara rivers, also 4.5 kilometers of roads and anti-avalanche corridors (550 meters) with a total amount of 342 million somoni are being constructed.

The construction of Guliston – Kulob roads (35 kilometers) amounted to 745 million somoni, Danghara – Guliston (49 kilometers) 1 billion 314 somoni, Guliston – Farkhor – Panj – Dusti (137 km – first stage) amounted to 449 million somoni and the remaining stages in the amount of 1.1 billion somoni are in the starting stage.

In the last 7 years, there were renovated 82 kilometers roads in the capital city of Dushanbe amounting 2 billion and 235 million somoni.

There will be built 40 kilometers of roads with 7 high line roads with a total cost of more than 3 billion somoni in Dushanbe within the next three years.

Only in 2023, there were built and commissioned 16 kilometers of roads in the capital city of Dushanbe at a cost of 700 million somoni.

It should be noted that in recent years, local roads’ construction has increased and only in 2023 with the contribution of entrepreneurs and generous individuals there were allocated more than 300 million somoni, as a result there were renovated around 1 thousand kilometers of local roads and there were completed the construction and renovation of 41 bridges.

We have decided to adapt all international and republican roads of the country to international standards within the next five to six years by implementing the goals defined by us.

This means that the construction of modern roads in the near future will allow us to achieve our strategic goal of turning Tajikistan into a transit country and ensure stable economic development and further improvement of our people’s living standards.

Along with the construction and commissioning of highways, efficient use and maintenance of the constructed roads is considered one of the significant issues.

In this regard, it is very important to implement a digital control mechanism for heavy vehicles.

In addition, to fully achieve the country’s strategic goals, it is important, in cooperation with entrepreneurs and investors, to build logistics centers, wholesale distribution and increase the number of freight transport, including refrigerators.

The Ministry of Transport and the State Committee for Investment and State Property Management are obliged to continue to take mandatory measures to attract capital and effectively implement state investment projects in the field of transport infrastructure, including the project of a unified digital network for controlling the weight of freight transport.

In addition, the Ministry of Transport and the Customs Service should take measures to expand border-crossing points, create “green corridors”, and build border terminals using digital technologies in accordance with modern international standards.

The Ministry of Transport and local executive bodies of state power are obliged to take urgent measures to improve environmental and social standards for the development of projects for the construction, reconstruction and use of highways in order to adapt them to the principles of a “green” economy, landscaping adjacent to highways of international, republican and local importance.

In addition, it is necessary to take effective measures to comply with traffic rules, prevent road accidents, protect the life and health of citizens, improve driving culture and maintain clean roadsides.

Taking into account climate change and to improve the environmental situation in the country, as well as ensure the best and most favorable living conditions for the population, the Government, the Committee for Environmental Protection and all state agencies and authorities have to implement a specific state program for urban greening of the country for the period until 2040.

Ensuring a peaceful and happy life for future generations of our people forces us to take this issue seriously.

That is, we must plant trees, build gardens, develop our Motherland for future generations and, as I always emphasize, we must leave a prosperous country for our children and grandchildren.

The global warming and its negative consequences, frequent droughts and other natural disasters, including the unprecedented cold of last winter, that is, the deterioration of the human environment, in addition to the worsening in the food and clean water supply, which occurs in many countries and regions of the world, contributes to the spread of infectious diseases and increasing the resistance of existing drugs against the virus of such diseases.

Therefore, people, including us, are forced to improve this situation of the environment and prevent its further destruction, first of all, through a serious reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, planting trees and landscaping, rational use of water resources, that is, take immediate and effective measures on nature conservation.

Dear compatriots!

Due to the development of the modern world economy and the disruption of the traditional supply chain of goods and products, population growth, as well as climate change and its negative consequences – successive droughts and water shortages, including in our region, the demand for water and agricultural products is increasing.

At the same time, rapid changes in the situation on the world food market and regular increases in food prices force us to give priority to improving the situation of the agricultural sector, increasing the production agricultural products, developing agro-industrial centers and thereby ensuring the country’s food security.

As a result of the measures taken by the Government, as well as the honest labor of farmers the level of provision of the population with basic food products increased, and in 2023, grain production increased 6 times compared to 1991, including wheat by 5.6 times, rice by 6.7 times, potatoes by 10.8 times, vegetables by 9 times, agricultural crops 17.5, fruits by 10 and grapes by 2 times.

During this period, the number of cattle increased 2 times (now its number has reached 2.6 million), and small cattle – 2 times (6.6 million) and poultry – 1.9 times (12.2 million).

Imports of meat from abroad are decreasing year by year and from 10.7 thousand tons in 2014 reached 144 tons in 2023.

Milk imports are extremely low.

That is, now the needs of the country’s population for meat and milk are fully met through domestic production.

Let me remind you that under the previous system there were annually imported into the country 160 thousand tons of meat and 170 thousand tons of potatoes.

It should not be forgotten that over the past three decades the population of Tajikistan has increased from 5 million to 10 million, which means that the demand for food has doubled.

In 2023, the supply of domestically produced basic food products in the country increased to 85%, which is 2.5 times more compared to 1991.

The production of potatoes (122 percent of the demand), vegetables (174 percent), onions (527 percent), carrots (360 percent), agricultural crops (312 percent), meat and milk (100 percent) exceeded the consumption norm.

That is, today our country is fully provided with these types of food products through domestic production.

I express my sincere gratitude to all the country’s farmers for their diligent work, as is well evidenced by the mentioned indicators and the abundance of the consumer market.

In recent years, the support and benefits provided to the development of the agricultural sector have yielded positive results: over the past seven years, the total volume of agricultural production has increased by 1.6 times.

Only due to the application of benefits in the field of poultry farming, the number of poultry enterprises increased by 3.3 times, and the total production volume of the industry increased by 5 times.

To continue this process, the Government of the country should give priority attention to the processing of agricultural products, the development of the food industry and the export of products.

In addition, the Government must take the necessary measures in order to create laboratories that meet international requirements, resolve the issue of recognizing quality certificates within the framework of bilateral and multilateral trade with partner countries, and create a “green corridor” equipped with digital technologies.

Distinguished participants!

In the span of 2018-2023, there were implemented four state investment projects worth 330 million somoni to develop the tourism industry and folk crafts, in addition, preferential loans amounting to more than 300 million somoni were allocated to subjects of these industries from the country’s banking system.

During this period, there were built 1,450 tourism facilities and in 2023 the number of tourists reached one million two hundred thousand people.

However, I would like to emphasize that there are still many untapped opportunities for the development of this industry.

To effectively continuing work in the direction of tourism and their strict control, it is necessary to create a permanent working group under the leadership of the relevant Deputy Prime Minister with the inclusion of one of the deputy heads of regions, cities and districts.

This working group should be entrusted with responsibility for the implementation of programs and plans for the construction of tourism infrastructure, development of folk crafts, including carpet weaving, Tajik Atlas and Adras (traditional woven fabrics), jewelry, as well as vocational training of citizens, organization and control of landscaping and urban greening, maintaining cleanliness and order settlements, nature conservation and efficient use of presidential and estate lands.

In addition, the organization of activities of craft sites and corners throughout the country, including the sale of domestic products, in particular, handicrafts, in all stores and markets, are issues that should be under the control of the working group.

The working group must submit quarterly reports to the Government on the work done.

At the same time, the National Bank and other financial organizations of the country should expand the provision of small-subsidized loans for the development of crafts.

It is worth mentioning that over the recent years, there were made a series of significant initiatives along with undertaking necessary measures on addressing issues of cultural sphere to present the ancient culture of the Tajik nation to the international community. 

In 2023, there were inscribed 15 historical and cultural heritages of Tajik people on the UNESCO List of tangible and intangible cultural heritage that enhanced the image of the ancient culture of the Tajik nation before the international community.

In order to improve of works on renovation, restauration and protection of historical and cultural heritages as well as for the development of tourism in this sphere, I propose that a separate structure – Agency on protection of historical and cultural heritage be established under the Government of the country.

Honorable members of Majlisi Milli and delegates of Majlisi Namoyandagon!

Modern economic development and increasing its competitiveness are impossible without the development of human capital.

In this regard, the level of development and efficiency of use of human capital is of paramount importance for the state and the Government.

The development of human capital is a key factor in increasing the quality and efficiency of the social sphere, especially education and healthcare, science and innovation, as well as the effective operation of scientific institutions.

In turn, the development of science and education is considered the key to the progress of all sectors and the most important factor in ensuring the future stability of the state and prosperity of the society.

It is considered important in the future to support scientific research by increasing the level of its funding, creating modern research centers and laboratories, and establishing cooperation between scientific institutions and production.

In this regard, the Government of the country, including the ministries of education and science, health and social protection of the population, economic development and trade, finance and the National Academy of Sciences have to implement effective measures in terms of financing, strengthening and efficient use of human capital.

If in 2017 there were 2.1 million people studying in the country’s education system, then in 2023 this figure reached 2.6 million people.

According to the forecast, by 2025 this figure will reach 2.7 million people.

This process requires the need to build new educational institutions and increase the capabilities of the education system.

If in 2023 the number of graduates of secondary schools of the country made up 103 thousand, then the enrolment in the first class reached 261 thousand.

During this period, there were built and commissioned 200 new educational facilities and additional buildings accommodating over 85 thousand students, but this indicator is still not satisfactory.

Because there are still 73 thousand students left without seats.

It should be noted that according to analyses of UNESCO and the World Bank, Tajikistan has been included in the ranking of the countries whose volume of funding for the sphere of education at the expense of public budget is large.

In this ranking, our country is placed 21st from among the 183 countries under study.

I would like to remind that the rapidly changing situation in today’s world requires a harmonious, strong educational system that is in line with increasing needs of the society.

In such conditions, the training of highly qualified teaching staff, enhancing the quality of education at all levels, paying serious attention to learning of foreign languages, exact, mathematical and natural sciences is the most important task of management and officials of the educational community. 

In this process, the ministries of education and science, labor, migration and employment of population, Committee on primary and secondary vocational education are mandated to take measures to strengthen the material and technical base of primary and secondary vocational education institutions, to enhance cooperation with production enterprises and to prepare highly qualified technical and engineering personnel.

The Ministry of Education and Science, the High Attestation Commission, the Agency on Supervision in the sphere of Education and Science, the National Academy of Sciences and other relevant academies are also instructed to undertake necessary measures in order to improve the quality of activity of the higher professional education institutions.

Based on this, the development of scientific potential of the mentioned institutions, conducting of valuable scientific research within the public and international projects as well as gaining of solid positions in international and regional rankings by higher professional education institutions should be ensured.

The ministries of education and science, labor, migration and employment of population, National Academy of Sciences, other ministries and agencies that have educational institutions in their structures are obliged to prepare highly qualified personnel through the introduction of modern educational programs.

The Ministry of Education and Science, in cooperation with other ministries and departments, in order to implement the state investment project “Educational environment – the basis of quality education”, must develop a “National framework for the development of education in the Republic of Tajikistan”.

It is necessary to provide a favorable environment for access to education, effective teaching and training, the creation of new generation textbooks, increase the quality of education, analysis and evaluation of the educational process and improve the infrastructure of educational institutions in the process of project implementation.

In this process, it is necessary to focus on the issues of professional development and retraining of teachers, development of additional education, strengthening of the status of teachers in society, more involvement of students and teachers in the use of information technologies, digitization of the field of education, preparation of teachers and revision of professional standards for teachers, supervisors, as well as improvement of competent approach to education.

Dear audience!

The number of employable population in the country is gradually rising. Thus, over the last five years it increased by 8,4%.

In addition, the rate of population growth compared to the rate of labor force growth is higher by 2,5 times.

In this regard, with a view to satisfying the employment needs of the population it is necessary to create annually in the spheres of country’s economy over 100 thousand new jobs in line with my previous instructions.

Therefore, I emphasize that the creation of new jobs with decent salaries within the country and vocational training of citizens is one of the priority tasks of the Government.

The Government of the country has to undertake concrete measures for promotion of vocational training, comprehensive preparation of the population for various professions and maximum providing of citizens with permanent jobs within the country.

The ministries of labor, migration and employment of population, education and science, the Committee on primary and secondary vocational education, heads of local executive authorities and all public structures are directly responsible on this matter.

Dear compatriots!

The sphere of healthcare and social protection of population is a priority policy direction of Tajikistan. The Government is undertaking all necessary measures to safeguard the population’s health and raise the quality of medical services.

The sphere’s funding is constantly increasing, and the state of provision of the country’s medical institutions with modern equipment and qualified personnel is improving year by year.

In 2023 there were allocated 3,3 billion Tajik somoni for the healthcare that is by 2,3 times more compared to 2017 and constitutes 8,8 percent of the state budget. 

There are 15 strategies and national programs in the healthcare sphere is currently being implemented.

There were built 132 institutions of first medical and sanitary aid facilities in the span of 2022-2023 alone.

A few days ago, a new building of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Population was put into operation.

The building was built 60-70 years ago and Ministries employees were working in very unfavorable conditions and most of the Ministries departments were operating in different parts of the city.

Now that the best conditions have been created, they should multiply their efforts.

There also being implemented a project entitled “Healthy Nation” with total funding of more than 630 million somoni aimed at enhancing quality and efficiency of first medical and sanitary aid services and national capacity building for responsiveness to emergencies in the field of healthcare.

Moreover, the construction and renovation of 350 healthcare facilities with a total budget of over 500 million somoni is foreseen for the next five years.

The Government’s adopting in 2023 of a Strategy for the Development of Social Protection of Population for the period up to 2040 and a Comprehensive State Program for the Training of Staff for the System of Social Protection of Population for the period up to 2030 will assist in solving the existing problems.

During the years of independence, the number of country’s population rose by 2 times, from 5,3 million people in 1991 to 10,2 million in 2023.

The analyses show that the natural population growth has made up 2,1 percent annually in average during the independence period thanks to an increase in birth rate and decrease in mortality rate.

In particular, the mortality rate per 1 thousand people went down from 6 in 1991 to 3 persons in 2023.

Thus, in this period the mortality rate reduced by 2 times.

On the other hand, during this period the average life expectancy of population has risen from 70 years to 76,3.

The average life expectancy of the country’s population during the independence period grew by over 6 years.

These indicators are vivid example of the improvement of the living standards of our people.

Despite the considerable progress of recent years, still some key aspects of the sphere, including improving the quality of education of personnel, eliminating the shortages in specialists, as well as corruption factors are among the urgent issues here.

The rehabilitation of employability of disabled persons and their supply with relevant technical equipment, strengthening of interagency activity of ministries and agencies in the area of addressing the issues of social protection, the revision of the structure of the sphere with a focus on the improvement of base and resource capacity of the local bodies of social protection require taking concrete measures.

Along with this, in order to continue state and government support for the people of the country, further increase the level of well-being and ensure social protection of the population, I order:

– from 1 July 2024, to carry out indexation, that is, to increase insurance, labor and social pensions, as well as additional payments to them by 30 percent of their established amount;

– from 1 July 2024, official salaries of employees of state authorities and public administration, educational, scientific, cultural, sports, medical institutions, social security institutions, other social protection organizations and the budgetary sector, as well as scholarships, will be increased by 40 percent;

– also, from 1 January 2024, to increase by 40 percent the current wages of military personnel, law enforcement officers and other employees of these bodies.

At the same time, from 1 July 2024, establish a minimum wage in all sectors of the economy and social sphere of the country in the amount of 800 somoni per month.

The government of the country, including the Ministry of Finance and executive bodies of state power, is instructed to take the necessary measures to implement this initiative.

Dear compatriots!

During the independence period, we gradually raised the status of women in the society and created appropriate employment conditions for them.

Today, the Tajik women are faithfully serving among other sectors in the ranks of the Armed Forces and law enforcement bodies for the sake of development of all spheres of our society and state.  

Thousands of our talented girls are educated in domestic institutions of primary, secondary and higher vocational education, including in foreign countries.

Of the 41 thousand 232 Tajik students studying abroad, more than 11 thousand are girls.

Over the past ten years alone, 11 thousand girls have graduated from higher vocational educational institutions under the presidential quota.

Of the 3 thousand 300 young students sent abroad this year to study only within the framework of the Center for International Programs of the Ministry of Education and Science, 30 percent are girls.

In general, during the period of independence, more than 256 thousand girls graduated from higher educational institutions.

According to statistics, in 1989 in Tajikistan only 66 thousand women and girls had higher education.

Today, our women, in addition to working in the public service system, have created manufacturing and service enterprises and have earned a reputation as successful entrepreneurs.

Over the years of independence, a large number of highly qualified women and girls have been employed in the civil service and public administration, and this process will continue in the future.

The role of women and girls is effective in ensuring sustainable peace and stability, protecting national and cultural values, instilling in children a sense of patriotism, national pride, humanity and responsibility, and preventing undesirable social factors.

We have to be always kind and care for our mothers, sisters and daughters, but not only on the Mother’s Day, that is 8 March.

I believe that our dear women and mothers will continue to make a valuable contribution to ensuring the implementation of the provisions of the Laws of the Republic of Tajikistan “On the streamlining of traditions, holidays and rituals”, “On the responsibility of parents in raising children”, preparing children for independent life, the development of folk crafts and improving the living conditions of every family in the country.

Caring for youth, solving their problems, adequately using this national strategic resource for the progress and prosperity of the Motherland and ensuring security and stability in society is one of the main priorities of the Government, since youth make up an ever increasing segment of the population of Tajikistan.

During the period of independence, 140 thousand hectares of land were distributed to more than 1 million 420 thousand families in the country for the construction of residential facilities, including 52 thousand hectares from irrigated lands, and the bulk of it belongs to young people.

Thus, in general, more than 8 million 800 thousand residents of the republic, the majority of whom are young families, have improved their living conditions.

Also during this period, there were built 11 thousand new sports facilities, mainly for young people.

Over these years, 1 million 48 thousand young people were admitted to higher professional educational institutions in the country and abroad.

Our youth, being the generation of the era of independence, makes a significant contribution to all spheres of public and state life, including the protection of the borders of the Motherland, the security of the people and state of Tajikistan, the construction of the century – Roghun hydroelectric station, the progress of science and culture.

It is worth noting that in 2023 alone, more than 3 thousand young people from Tajikistan became winners of international and national competitions Olympiads.

For more than three decades, there have been adopted and implemented many plans and programs to promote the state policy of youth, provide favorable conditions for the development of their abilities and talents and further improve the level and quality of education, life, and activities of this active part of society.

To achieve the set goals, the Committee of Youth and Sport must develop and implement programs of work with youth together with local executive bodies of state power.

In this context to improve the level and quality of education for adolescents and the young generation, priority should be given to the issue of instilling in them a sense of national identity, patriotism, and humanism.

Ensuring the development of the sports sector is one of the priorities of the social policy of the Government of the country. Its goal is to popularize sports, strengthen a healthy lifestyle, and help prepare Tajik professional athletes to participate in national and international competitions.

The active participation of our youth and their victories at international competitions will undoubtedly contribute to increasing the prestige of our country.

In 2023 alone, Tajik athletes won 343 medals of international competitions, including 108 gold, 76 silver and 159 bronze medals, which is 226 medals more than in 2022.

To achieve even greater achievements, it is necessary to pay attention to the effective use of sports infrastructure, especially the proper maintenance of constructed facilities and buildings.

Dear members of the Parliament!

Ensuring the stable and rapid development of the country requires timely and comprehensive legal regulation.

Legislation must be constantly improved and be synonymous with political, economic, social and cultural reforms.

Therefore, the members of Majlisi Milli and deputies of the Majlisi Namoyandagon should direct all their efforts in this way.

I would like to recall that the achievements and progress of the country to date are the result of the laws developed and adopted by the Parliament of the country.

Addressing you members of the Majlisi Milli and deputies of the Majlisi Namoyandagon, I would like to call on you to continue to work together, make our country prosperous and beautiful, increase the level and quality of life of our people, and raise the reputation of our dear homeland in the international arena.

It should be said that the issue of legal education of residents plays a key role in the process of building a progressive and just society.

The country is currently implementing the third legal education and training program for 2020-2030.

Another important issue that plays a key role in the country’s legal system is the rule of law, which is considered the basis of the judiciary and law enforcement agencies.

Ensuring access to justice and information about the activities of courts, open and fair trials contributes to strengthening the rule of law, crime prevention, respect for the law, and protection of human, civil rights, and freedoms.

The introduction of modern electronic technologies into the work of courts is also an important task, and specific measures should be taken in this direction.

Distinguished participants!

The complex and alarming situation in the region and the world, including the intensification of the process of redivision of the world, rapid armament, the cold war, modern threats and challenges of terrorism and extremism, arms trafficking, cybercrime and other organized transnational crimes, forces us to take additional measures to ensure defensive security of our country.

These measures include improving the living and service conditions of the Armed Forces, preparing highly qualified personnel, increasing the knowledge and professionalism of personnel, and further increasing the sense of responsibility and patriotism of officers and soldiers.

The Government is taking all necessary measures in this direction, including upgrading the capacity of the Armed Forces, and will continue this process in the years ahead.

Our goal in upgrading the capabilities of the Armed Forces is to increase the security and stability of our country.

I emphasize that the leaders of the Armed Forces, military units and law enforcement agencies must pay constant and strict attention to the mandatory observance of military regulations, order and discipline, and ensuring the rule of law.

Law enforcement agencies, military units and, in general, all state structures and authorities must mobilize all resources and capabilities to fulfill the above-mentioned tasks by 2024, when the thirtieth anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan will be celebrated.

The Constitution of independent Tajikistan, which created the basis for the establishment of an independent national state and progress in all aspects of the life of the people of the country, is one of our most important achievements.

The implementation of the norms of the Constitution has allowed us to organize strong foundations of society and the state, to strengthen peace and tranquility, political stability and national unity, to ensure stable economic development of our country, to provide conditions for a decent life and freedom in human development for every resident of the country.

Therefore, in honor of this very important historical date, I propose to declare 2024 the “Year of Legal Enlightment”.

Dear compatriots!

The aggravation of the international political, geopolitical, and military situation, security threats, financial and economic crises, as well as problems related to climate change, shortages of food and drinking water in the world and the region and their consequences in the development of Tajikistan’s foreign policy forces us to take the necessary measures.

Our country will continue to pay special attention to strengthening friendly relations and good-neighborliness with the Central Asian states as a priority of its foreign policy based on mutual respect and trust.

Strengthening and expanding bilateral and multilateral relations with the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States, as well as other traditional partners in Asia, Europe and America, occupies a special place in the foreign policy of Tajikistan.

Such forward-looking approach is the basis of Tajikistan’s “Open Doors” policy.

In this vein, we will further strengthen our cooperation with the countries of the Islamic world.

Tajikistan is very concerned about the current processes in Afghanistan and the Middle East, especially in Palestine.

We believe that the establishment of an independent State of Palestine based on the resolutions adopted by the United Nations and the 1967 borders is the only possible way to ensure lasting peace and stability in the region.

Our country calls on the international community to resolve all conflicts only through negotiations and dialogue.

Tajikistan’s cooperation with all international and regional organizations, including United Nations, Commonwealth of Independent States, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Economic Cooperation Organization, Collective Security Treaty Organization, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and other institutions, is aimed at creating conditions and opportunities for strengthening its position in the world arena and its active participation in the global processes and various programs and contexts.

We emphasize the importance of strengthening the coordinating and unifying role of the United Nations to ensure the sustainability of the international system and stability.

It is worth noting that last year, based on the fifth initiative of the Republic of Tajikistan, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution to declare 2025 as the “International Year of Glaciers’ Preservation”, as well as March 21 each year as World Day of Glaciers and the established International Trust Fund to help preserve glaciers, which is important for the world community and is a source of pride for the honorable people of Tajikistan.

We are satisfied with our cooperation with all international financial organizations and other development partners and will continue to expand our cooperation with them to ensure the Sustainable Development Goals.

Distinguished Members of Majlisi Milli and delegates of Majlisi namoyandagon!

Dear Compatriots!

In today’s address there were recounted the major achievements and progress made by independent Tajikistan in recent years.

I would like to recall that all the above-mentioned accomplishments have been achieved thanks to the dedicated and honest efforts and patriotic determinations of the honorable people of the country.

In this regard, I express my sincere gratitude to the literate, civilized, noble and proud people of the country for supporting the policies of the State and the Government, for their perseverance and constructive work.

Today along with the achievements, we identified problems and difficulties of our society and the state, as well as the defined tasks for their solution.

I emphasize that each and every leader – members of Government, Majlisi Milli and deputies of Majlisi Namoyandagon, heads of regions, cities and districts, urban and rural communities, heads of state ministries and agencies, organizations and institutions, civil servants, creative community, activists and all noble people of the country are responsible for the elimination of existing shortcomings and solving remaining problems.

In these extremely sensitive and turbulent conditions of today, as well as growing modern threats and challenges to independence and freedom, political stability and security of human society all of us are obliged to be patient, tolerant and united, as never before. We have to make every effort to protect our national values, defend the interests of the state and nation, and ensure prosperity of our dear Motherland and development of our sovereign state.

I appeal to the dear people of the country and invite each of them to continue flourishing the nature of our paradise-like Tajikistan, to spread prosperity, cleanliness and purity starting from every home to the remotest villages, to make the entire territory of our homeland lush and green and to reveal our ancient culture and civilization to the world community.

I have full confidence in the high sense of nationalism, patriotic sentiments, pure intentions, firm determination and creative efforts of the honorable people of Tajikistan.

I declare with utter certainty that together we will make our dear Motherland prosperous and beautiful, especially on the eve of the great nationwide celebration of the 35th anniversary of state independence, develop our independent state, and raise its prestige and reputation in the international arena.

I wish all glorious people of Tajikistan health, prosperous homes, good luck, and to each of you distinguished participants – pride, success and good fortune.

Be always healthy and successful, dear compatriots!