Nasriddinzoda Emomali Saifiddin
Chairman of the Council of Scientists of TNU,
Rector, Doctor of Law, Professor
Tel: 221-77-11
Email: info@tnu.tj
Tel: 221-62-25
Email: talim-dmt@mail.ru
Solehzoda Gulnora Davlat
Secretary of the Council of Scientists of TNU,
candidate of law sciences
Tel: 221-33-31; 900-00-97-25
Email: shuroi.olimoni.dmt@gmail.com
Р/т | Surname, first name and patronymic | Academic title | Unfilled position |
4 | Safarmamadzoda Safarmamad Muboraksho | doctor of chemical sciences, professor | Vice Rector for science and innovation |
5 | Imomova Nilufar Mahmadisufovna | Doctor of Law, Professor | Vice Rector for educational affairs |
6 | Gafforzoda Ilyosjon Gaffor | Doctor of Law, Professor | Vice Rector for international relations |
7 | Qodirzoda Farhod Anvar | Candidate of economic sciences, Associate Professor | Vice Rector for economic and social issues |
8 | Rajabov Tajiddin Rajabovich | Candidate of chemical sciences, Associate Professor | Chairman of the Trade Union Committee of the University |
9 | Samiev Zohidjon Qurbonovich | Candidate of philological sciences, docent | Chairman of the Student Union Committee |
10 | Rajabov Sirojiddin Ikromovich | Doctor of chemical sciences, professor | Director of the Scientific and Research Institute |
11 | Mirzamonzoda Khairullo Mirzamon | Doctor of Law, Professor | Director of the Institute of Professional Development of Teachers of Higher Vocational Education Institutions under TNU |
12 | Director of the Lyceum of natural science and precision | ||
13 | Aliyeva Gulrukhsor Savriddinovna | Director of the Scientific Library of TNU | |
14 | Sharipov Ismoil | Candidate of Law Sciences,Associate Professor | Head of the education department |
15 | S. Shokhimardonov | Candidate of Economic Sciences | Head of the science department |
16 | Khayrulloev Saidkhuja Kodyrovich | Head of the accounting department | |
17 | Tavkiyev Emomali Shodikhanovich | Head of the personnel and special affairs department | |
18 | Kosimov Ismail Latipovich | Candidate of technical sciences, Associate Professor | Dean of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics |
19 | Kodirzoda Zafari Abdulamin | Candidate of physics-mathematical sciences, Associate Professor | Dean of the Faculty of Physics |
20 | Fayzullozoda Erkin Fathullo | Candidate of Science Chemistry, Associate Professor | Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry |
21 | Karomatulloi Qurbon | Candidate of biological sciences, Associate Professor | Dean of the Faculty of Biology |
22 | Andamov Rajabali Shamsovich | Candidate of geological sciences, Associate Professor | Dean of the Faculty of Geology |
23 | Sirojiddin Emomali | Doctor of philology, Professor | Dean of the Faculty of Philology |
24 | Mukhametov Gapur Babaevich | Doctor of pedagogical sciences, Professor | Dean of the Faculty of Russian Language and Literature |
25 | Saidalizoda Shodmon Abduvohid | Candidate of philological sciences, Associate Professor | Dean of the Faculty of Asian and European Languages |
26 | Murodov Nazirmad Safarovich | Candidate of historical sciences, Assosiate Professor | Dean of the Faculty of History |
27 | Mirzozoda Parvon Zainolobiddin | Candidate of legal sciences, Associate Professor | Dean of the Faculty of Law |
28 | Jafarov Saihomid Khairiddinovich | Candidate of historical sciences, Associate Professor | Dean of the Faculty of International Relations |
29 | Safaralizoda Khujamurod Quddusi | Candidate of political sciences, Associate Professor | Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy |
30 | Qutbiddinov Abdulmumin Hoshimovich | Candidate of philological sciences, Associate Professor | Dean of the Faculty of Journalism |
31 | Ibrohimzoda Ilhamuddin Rajabali | Doctor of economical sciences, Professor | Dean of the Faculty of Finance and Economics |
32 | Isainov Hisain Rahimovich | Doctor of economical sciences, Professor | Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management |
33 | Abdulmuminzoda Nasimjon Abdulmumin | Doctor of economical sciences, Professor | Dean of the Faculty of Accounting and Economics |
34 | Izzatuloev Alikul Saidkulovich | Dean of the Faculty of Medicine | |
35 | Rajabzoda Faridduni Kishvar | Сandidate of biological sciences, Associate Professor | Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy |
36 | Odinazoda Safargul Atabek | Candidate of physics and mathematics sciences, Associate Professor | Dean of the joint faculty of the National University of Tajikistan with the Belarusian Higher Education Institution |
37 | Saidmurodova Malika Abduvahobovna | Candidate of economical sciences, Associate Professor | Head of the Audit-Economic Commission |
38 | Aminov Faizali Azimovich | Candidate of philosophical sciences, Associate Professor | Head of the Department of Philosophy of the University |
39 | Davlatov Mardihudo Gozibekovich | Head of the Department of Work with Youth of the University |