On December 5, 2022 a conference was held at Tajik National University, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the membership of Tajikistan in the United Nations. The conference was attended by the UN Resident Coordinator in the Republic of Tajikistan, Ms. Sezin Sinanoglu, the Rector of the Tajik National University, Professor Khushvakhtzoda Qobiljon Khushvakht, students and teachers.

Before the conference, Ms. Sezin Sinanoglu met with the rector of TNU, Professor Khushvakhtzoda Qobiljon Khushvakht. During the meeting, the parties exchanged views on the development of bilateral cooperation in the field of Science and Education between the Republic of Tajikistan and the UN.

The opening ceremony of the conference took place in the large hall of the main building of TNU, where the rector of TNU addressed the audience with a welcoming speech. The rector noted that the UN is one of the most influential international organizations, which was established in 1945 with the aim of strengthening international peace and promoting cooperation between states. The first UN office – the United Nations Mission of Observers in Tajikistan (UNMOT) was opened in Dushanbe on February 1, 1993.

After that, Ms. Sezin Sinanoglu noted: “Within last thirty years, the UN has worked hand in hand with Tajikistan on the country’s path to achieving prosperity and peace. During this time, the country has made significant progress in improving the well-being of its citizens, as well as playing a strong role at the international level in promoting climate and water issues, regional security and advancing the Sustainable Development Goals, known for short as the SDGs.”

At the end of the meeting, teachers and students asked Mrs. Sezin Sinanoglu various questions about the activities of the UN.