The State and the Government consider science as the leading factor of society and take beneficial measures for its further development and improvement of the socio-economic status of scientists.

Emomali Rahmon

Every year at the Tajik National University, according to tradition, on the third week of April, a scientific-theoretical conference of teachers, staff, doctoral students, undergraduates and students called “Science Week” is being held, where topical matters are being discussed. This year’s conference is dedicated to the “75th anniversary of the Tajik National University”, “115th anniversary of academician Bobojon Gafurov”, “145th anniversary of the founder of modern Tajik literature Sadriddin Aini”, “2023 – the Year of the Russian language”. and “2025 – International Year for the Protection of Glaciers”.

Today, the Rector of the University, Doctor of Economics, Professor Khushvakhtzoda K.Kh., spoke at the opening part of the conference. Congratulating those present on holding this conference, he emphasized that the Tajik National University is one of the leading scientific institutions in terms of the effectiveness of scientific activities not only at the inter-university, but also at the national and international level, and in terms of achievements, inventions and innovations of scientists and creators of this institution, this university represents Tajik science abroad. It was noted that 1191 lectures of teachers and staff, doctoral students and undergraduates and 1729 lectures of university students are planned to be presented at this conference.

Rector of Khushvakhtzoda University K.Kh. in continuation of his speech, he spoke about the high significance of the events “75th anniversary of the Tajik National University”, “115th anniversary of academician Bobojon Gafurov”, “145th anniversary of the founder of modern Tajik literature Sadriddin Aini”, “2023 – the Year of the Russian language”. and “2025 – International Year for the Protection of Glaciers”.

So, at the opening of the conference, lectures were delivered by Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Karimov F. “Modeling the movement of glaciers and avalanches in Tajikistan”, Doctor of Philology, Professor A.S. Mahmadaminov. “On the necessity and importance of the critical publication of the “Brief biography” by Sadriddin Aini, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor Sharipov J. “Reflection of acute issues in the history of the formation of the first Aryan states in the works of honorable Emomali Rahmon” and candidate of economic sciences, associate professor Gulov Sh. “Features taxation of intellectual property objects in modern conditions”.

It should be noted that the conference will last until April 27.

Employee of the Information and Analytical Center of TNU, Professor Saidzoda Kh.