Today (27.04.2023) at the general meeting of teachers and staff of the Tajik National University, the results of the Scientific and Theoretical Conference of the staff, doctoral students, master’s students and students – “Science Week” dedicated to the “75th anniversary of the Tajik National University”, “115th anniversary of Academician Bobojon Gafurov” “, “145th anniversary of the founder of modern Tajik literature Sadriddin Ayni”, “2023 – Year of the Russian language” and “2025 – International year of protection of glaciers” were summed up.
In the beginning, the Deputy Rector for science and innovation, professor Safarmamadzoda S.M. spoke about the importance of holding this conference and expressed that scientific reports of teachers and staff, doctoral students, graduate students and students on various issues of natural sciences, social sciences, humanities and economics were discussed at this year’s conference.
“We hope that the reports presented at this conference will contribute to the solution of various scientific issues to some extent, and in the future will provide a good basis for the development of various fields of science and the connection of science and production,” added Safarmamadzoda S.M.
At the end of the event, teachers of the university candidate of historical sciences, docent of the Department of History of the Ancient World, Middle Ages and Archeology of the Faculty of History Sabzali Asoev, Manager of Experimental Production – Pharmaceuticals of the University Technological Park Payrav Khalifaev, candidate of medical sciences., Assistant of the Department of Applied Chemistry of the Faculty of Chemistry Nasir Naimov and Ahrorova Zemfira, a 1st-year master’s student of Russian language and literature at the Faculty of Russian Philology, delivered speeches on various topics.
Employee of the Information and Analytical Center of TNU, Professor Saidzoda Kh.