Tajik National University students return from the Republican Olympiad with eleven medals


Within the framework of the 30th anniversary of the state independence of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Khujand State University named after academician Bobojon Gafurov held a Republican Olympiad. Our students took part in the Republican Olympiad and won the first, second and third places.

The honorable first place was taken by the 4th year students Rukhshona Namozova and Mirali Sirojov, 3rd year students Zemfira Akhrorova, Ashurzoda Khusrav, Malik Sitamov and Zulfonzoda Nasibali.

The second places were taken by 1st year students Kurbonzoda Mukhsin and Mukhammadjon Bobokhonov, 2nd year students Nazarali Safarov and Shohruz Zabirov.

The third place was taken by the 4th year student Mirmukhsinzoda Kukhzod.

Also, a third-year student of the Faculty of Philology Khairinisso Egamova received a “Certificate of Honor” from the Ministry of Education and Science.