TNU Celebrates Chemist’s Day


On May 29th, the Tajik National University solemnly celebrated the Chemist’s Day. It was attended by scientists, teachers and students of the Faculty of Chemistry of TNU and the Branch of the Moscow State University after M. Lomonosov in Dushanbe.

Traditionally the Chemist’s Day is celebrated on the last Sunday of May, and this year it is May 29th. This is the day when the employees of all chemical industries congratulate each other with their professional holiday.

The Chemist’s Day was established by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan of November 3, 1995 «On public holidays and memorial days», and since then it is annually celebrated by everyone related to the chemical sphere. In the years of its existence the holiday has gained its own traditions. For instance, every year it is celebrated under one of the elements of the Periodic System of Mendeleev, and the very first Chemist’s Day was marked by the element No.1 – hydrogen. This year the Chemist’s Day is celebrated for 56 time, so the element of this year is the element 56 – barium (Ba).