Safarmamadzoda S.M., Professor Doctor of chemical sciences
Safarmamadzoda S.M. was born on July 19, 1965.
1990 – Graduated the Faculty of Chemistry of the Tajik State University named V.I. Lenin (now Tajik National University).
Safarmamadzoda S.M. started his working life in 1990 in the laboratory “Synthesis and testing of complex compounds” at the Scientific-Research Unit (NIC) of TSU.
In the same year, on a competitive basis, he was accepted as an assistant of Department of inorganic chemistry, and in November 1990, he entered the correspondence department of TSNU.
In 1994 he defended his Ph.D. thesis.
In 1996, Safarmamadzoda S.M. was appointed assistant professor in the Department of Inorganic Chemistry and worked in this position until 1999.
In 1999 he entered the doctoral program of TSNU and graduated in 2001.
After receiving his doctorate in 2002, he worked as an associate professor of the Department of Inorganic Chemistry at TGNU.
2008 – defended his Doctoral thesis “Complex compounds of rhenium (v) with thiourea and thiosemicarbazide derivatives and theirpractical application aspects.”
2002 – 2004 The Deputy Dean for science of the chemical faculty of TSNU.
2008 – was elected to the Scientific and Methodological Council of the University.
2009 – 2011 the head of the Department of Inorganic Chemistry of TNU.
2011 – the head of educational department of TNU.
2013 -Vice-Rector for international relations.
At the present time Safarmamadzoda S.M. is a Vice-Rector for Science and Innovations .
He has supervised 6 Candidate’s theses.
The results of scientific research of Safarmamadzoda S.M. is reflected in 200 scientific articles and 5 textbooks.