Department of Education Quality Control

In order to fully comply with the requirements of the first annex of the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan dated 03.03.2007 No. 105 “On the State Control Service in the field of education”, Order of the Minister of Education of the Republic of Tajikistan of the Republic of Tajikistan dated 15.03.07. No. 330, Order of the Rector of the Tajik National University dated 01.21.2010, No. 30-09, as the constituent structure of the University, the Center for Testing and Monitoring the Education Quality was established, which was headed by Associate Professor Haydarov Farrukh until 2012, and from 2012-2016 by Associate Professor Zakirov Nasir. The Center for Testing and Education Quality Control is a structural subdivision of the education department of the University, organizes and implements the policy of the University in the direction of the quality of education and its control. Initially, the Center for Testing and Monitoring the Education Quality conducted its work in two directions.

The first direction of the Center’s work is the selective control of attendance by students of the academic groups of the full-time and correspondence departments of the University, and at the same time the procedure for implementing a comprehensive plan for conducting university events, monitoring the quality of education and surveying teachers and students.

The second activity of the employees of the “Center for Testing and Monitoring the Quality of Education” is the collection, processing and adaptation of test questionnaires with computer programs, printing out test questionnaires, entering the answers of test questionnaires into a computer program, entering student examination forms into a computer and printing out the exam results using information and communication technologies during the examination period of the examination session of students of 1-5 courses in traditional groups, as well as the procedure for credit education.

In 2016, at the Center for Testing and Monitoring the Education Quality the “Education Quality Management Department” was created, which consisted of three working units: the head of the Department, the chief specialist and the specialist. From 06/06/2018, by order of the Rector of the Tajik National University No. 217-6 on making changes to the structure of the University, the name “Center for Testing and Monitoring the Education Quality” was changed to “Center for Testing, Information Technology and Distance Education”. In this regard, the “Education Quality Management Department” was withdrawn from the “Center for Testing, Information Technology and Distance Education” and included in the Education Department. From 2016 to December 2019, Associate Professor Khalikzoda Ainiddin was the Director of the Education Quality Management Department, and from January 2020 to March 20, 2020 – Associate Professor Abdulmuminzoda N.A. Since 07/17/2020, there have been changes in the structure of the Tajik National University, in particular, the “Education Quality Management Department” has changed its name to “Education Quality Control Department”. From 03/26/2020 to the present, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor Sharifzoda Saadi Sharif, Head of the Department, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor Shoymardonov Safarali, Chief Specialist of the Department, and Ph.D. Safarov Navruz, work in this Department as specialists.

The Education Quality Control Department carries out its activities on the basis of the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan, legislation in the field of education, instructions and instructions of the Founder of Peace and National Unity – the Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, honorable Emomali Rahmon, in accordance with the orders of the Rector of TNU, orders of the Department of Education of the University, the charter University, regulations on the Department, tasks and annual plan of activities of the Department.

Based on the regulation on the “Department of Education Quality Control”, the department has the following rights and obligations:

Rights of the Department:

1) control and evaluate the quality of education at the University, regardless of specialization and form of education (full-time, part-time, part-time and master’s programs);

2) in order to fulfill the tasks assigned to the department, conduct group tests, written work, oral and paper surveys;

3) control the quality of the development of teaching materials. In cases where they do not meet the proposed requirements, stop printing them;

4) by order of the Board and the Academic Council of the University, conduct immediate remote tests and provide information on the results to the Board of the University;

5) for the purpose of an objective assessment, if necessary, according to the approved schedule, participate in classes without notifying teachers;

6) make proposals and requests to the Council of the University on issues within the competence of the department;

Obligations of the Department:

1) organizing and conducting activities to control the quality of education at the faculties;

2) verification, analysis and conclusion about the quality of education in the departments and faculties;

3) organizing and conducting rating assessments together with the faculties in order to increase the level of mastering knowledge and the quality of education at the University;

4) carrying out verification, analysis and conclusions on the quality of education in the master’s program of the University;

5) implementation of control and methodological recommendations on the effective use of information technology in the learning process, monitoring the level of skills and abilities of using information technology by teachers and students in the process of educational activities;

6) preparation of materials for conducting expert tests (tests, questionnaires, dictations) to control the quality of education;

7) development and improvement of technologies for monitoring and self-assessment of the quality of education;

8) comprehensive analysis of test results and assessment of students’ knowledge;

9) ensuring uniform requirements for monitoring, testing and evaluating the quality of education;

10) organization and development of an information system in the field of monitoring, control and evaluation of the quality of education;

11) organization of conferences, meetings, seminars in order to improve theoretical, practical, laboratory activities and independent work related to the analysis and generalization of materials related to the quality of education;

12) preparation and presentation of information to the Scientific and Methodological Council, the Council of Scientists and the Board of the University on the results of monitoring, control and evaluation of education quality;

13) submission to the Scientific and Methodological Council, the Council of Scientists and the Board of the University of an action plan to eliminate existing shortcomings in the learning process and improve the quality of education;

14) regular participation in trainings for teachers in order to analyze the quality of education;

15) checking the activities and events of faculties and departments to control the quality of education;

16) checking the status of documentation in order to ensure the quality of education at faculties and departments;

17) monitoring through a paper survey (questionnaire) among students on the topic “Teacher from the student’s point of view”;

18) ensuring the implementation of decisions of the Council of Scientists and the Scientific and Methodological Council of the University to improve the level and quality of educational activities;

19) checking the implementation of the plan of open lessons and cooperation of teachers;

20) checking the status of the development of educational materials, textbooks, visual aids by teachers;

21) holding a reception of teachers and students on issues of improving the quality of education.