Innovative Student Projects Award 2021


On July 7, 2021, the winners of the “Innovative Student” competition were announced at the Tajik National University. The competition was organized within the framework of the project “Improving the educational process and creating more employment opportunities for graduates”.

The main goals of this competition are to stimulate the participation of students and young workers of the university in the scientific, technical and innovative activities of the university; support of youth initiatives in the field of science and innovation; development of youth competencies aimed at creating and introducing innovations.

11 projects were submitted for the competition. The first place according to the results of the competition was received by the 3rd year student of the Faculty of Chemistry Shukurov Abdukhalim (I degree diploma and a monetary prize of 2000 somoni). The second place was taken by the 3rd year student of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics Ziyovuddin Mahmadali (II-degree diploma and a monetary prize of 1500 somoni). The third place was taken by 3rd year undergraduates of the Faculty of Philosophy Gardonshoev Alisher and Nurmatova Adiba (III degree diplomas and a monetary prize of 1000 somoni).