Students are requested to submit online applications as per the details given below:
1. Short-Term Collaborative Research Program for International PhD Students
This program will offer an opportunity to foreign PhD students to undertake part of their PhD thesis work at IIT Indore.
Number of Fellowships: 10
Duration: 1 to 3 months
Financial support:
· Living expenses of INR 35,000 per month
· Travel grant as per approved institute norms (Round Trip Economy class airfare, as per the actuals or to a maximum of INR 1,20,000 for US, Canada, Australia/ INR 1,00,000 for Europe, UK, Africa and Japan/ INR 80,000 for SAARC, Asia, ASEAN, and Middle Eastern countries)
· OPD Consultation facility at IIT Indore Health Centre
2. Semester Exchange Program for International UG/PG and PhD students
This program will offer UG students and PG students to work or study at IIT Indore for a semester. Students are required to do course mapping (if required) and also contact the professor of IIT Indore or department and submit an acceptance letter at the time of application. Preference will be given to the institutions having an MoU with IIT Indore. Kindly visit the International Relations website for the list of MoUs signed with IIT Indore.
Number of Fellowships: 05
Duration: One Semester
Financial support:
· Tuition fee waiver at IITI for partner universities
· Travel grant as per approved institute norms (Round Trip Economy class airfare, as per the actuals or to a maximum of INR 1,20,000 for US, Canada, Australia/ INR 1,00,000 for Europe, UK, Africa and Japan/ INR 80,000 for SAARC, Asian, ASEAN, and Middle East countries)
· Students are expected to cover all other expenses during their stay here at IITI
The last date for application submission is 15th Oct 2023.
For detailed information about the procedure, eligibility criteria, and application link please visit https://ir.iiti.ac.in/ . Flyers are attached for your reference.
For any queries, please feel free to write to us @ acaofficer.ir@iiti.ac.in. We would be happy to answer.