Abdulfaizov S. Navruzshoev B. Kh. Shaidullo Hoji, Sattorov Kh.

Tajik National University

The foreign policy of the Republic of Tajikistan, which proceeds from the constructive initiatives and fruitful steps of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon, is a peace – loving and disintegrated policy on the path of realization of which our state is ready to develop friendly relations with all countries of the world on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutually beneficial cooperation and Kirgizstan is no exception. Diplomatic relations between Tajikistan and Kirgizstan were established on January in 1993. Over the years of independence and development Tajikistan and Kirgizstan have accomplished neighborly, friendly and trust relationship with on outlook of further intensification. The Presidents of the two nations have constantly paid official visits to both countries and as a result 67 documents were adopted including 14 – interstate, 25 – intergovernmental and 28 – interagency agreements.  

According to previous incidents which happened in Tajik-Kirgiz border special persons who needed the power and getting scores violated neighborhoods several times. As the result several our people were killed and injured. Such provocations repeated several times. Top-level officials of our country personally our president, Leader of Nation his Excellence Emomali Rahmon called the people to be quiet and don’t violate neighborhood attitude. Unfortunately Kyrgyz side I mean special group who needed the post and power organized clashes. As the result on 29th of April according to the interview of the head of Special Forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan general Khurshed Muhammadzoda a car exactly “Uazik” appeared suddenly and opened fire. Several our boys went out and were shouted straight to their forehead. And we had to defense our position and our border. We didn’t open the fire the first. Of course happened incident which were killed and injured people of both sides.

Now we have to think about future with optimism not looking for faults and blame each other and break up new clashes and escalation of conflict. Today all of us have to listen to God’s saying: Peace is the best, and we have to respect the spirit of our ancestors, we have to respect the representatives of our governments that they have signed protocol on ceasefire. We have to continue our ancestors’ traditions live in peace and neighborhood.

Tajiks want lasting peace with Kyrgyz brothers and condemn war and escalation of conflicts near our boarder. Of course, happened an unpleasant chapter in the history of Tajik-Kirgiz relations, but peace is the only way of solving the problem. Both Sides should think about future and not to give chance to repeat such clashes. We should think about new steps in order to strengthen Tajik-Kirgiz relationship in different spheres

Our Nation consider Kyrgyz’s  as brothers. We want  peace, security and stability in Central Asia, region and the whole world. Long live Tajik-Kirgiz relations! Long live friendly atmosphere between Tajiks and Kyrgyz! Long live lasting Peace between Tajiks and Kyrgyzs forever!