The Report of the Faculty of Biology on the opening of “Scientific-Research Laboratory for Studying the Mechanisms of Adaptation of Living Systems” at the Faculty of Biology of TNU


Today, 23.09.2023, the administration of the Faculty of Biology, based on the implementation of the plan on “Twenty years of study and development of natural, exact and mathematical sciences in the field of science and education (years 2020-2040)” and the meeting of the rector of the university with the membership of teachers and staff, in order to reactivate the scientific-research work informs:

The “Scientific-research laboratory for studying the mechanisms of adaptation of living systems” in educational building №16, second floor of the Faculty of Biology with a number of modern equipment with the participation of the rector of the university, professor Khushvakhtzoda Q.Kh., was afforded to use. The following devices are available in this laboratory:

– A rotating evaporator is provided, the purpose of which is to separate extracts from the composition of solutions,

– Spectrophotometer is used to determine solutions of different densities,

– Modern microscopes that have different capabilities and at the same time are connected to a computer and display the process of conducting scientific and research work with electronic boards.

– The air closet was put into use for the performance of experimental work, which emits gases harmful to the body.

– Drying closet is used to sterilize chemical containers.

– The thermostat is designed to maintain a normal temperature inside the chamber. It is used in bacteriological, serological, immunological and clinical laboratories.

– Distillatory is designed to obtain purified water (purified water) through thermal distillation of water,

– Electronic scales for measuring the weight of objects under study,

– pH-meter, equipment for determination of various solutions of concentration,

– Instruments for surgery destined to experimental animals,

– A set of chemical containers used in the course of experimental work.

The “Scientific-research laboratory for studying the mechanisms of adaptation of living systems” was put into use on the initiative of the Administration of the Tajik National University. The laboratory consists of 18 seats and is provided with modern equipment for conducting practical-laboratory classes at a high level. In the laboratory, large experimental classes, practical-laboratory classes in the general subjects of the departments: (biochemistry, human and animal physiology named after academician H.M. Safarov, plant physiology, zoology, botany and dendrology, biotechnology and ecology) are conducted. At the same time, during laboratory classes, students learn different methods of preparation of various biological preparations.

Acting dean Dean Karamatullahi Q.

Performed by: deputy dean on science and innovation Hamidov H.N.

Translated by: Head of the comprehensive university English department, associate professor Rahimov M.S.