

The Department of Modern History of Uzbekistan, Faculty of History of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, plans to hold an international scientific-practical conference on May 10-11, 2022 on “Development of diasporas in Central Asia – an important factor in sustainable development”.

The conference has the following branches:

Section 1. Diasporas in Central Asia: History and Present.

Section 2. The role of diasporas in social life.

Section 3. The phenomenon of tolerance in the peoples of Central Asia.

Section 4. Migration processes in Central Asia.

Section 5. “The Model of Uzbekistan”in Ensuring Interethnic Harmony and Tolerance.

The following requirements must be observed when writing articles:

  • A 4 format, 14 fonts, 1.5 spacing, WINWORD XP, WORD 97-2003 or 2007, paper version up to 5 pages;
  • In the right corner, the name of the applicant, place of work, the title of the article is written in the middle of the page;
  • Quotes below, each starting with the number 1 on a new page.

Electronic and paper versions of articles must be submitted. Conference materials in the amount of 5-7 pages will be accepted in Uzbek, Russian and English until April 10, 2022.

The authors are responsible for the material and facts presented in the article. Travel to and from the conference will be covered by the attendees. Accommodation and food for foreigners attending the conference will be the responsibility of the organizing committee.

Texts that are not related to the topic will not be published and will not be returned to their owners.

Electronic version of articles is accepted by

Address of the Organizing Committee: Department of “Modern History of

Uzbekistan”, Faculty of History, National University of Uzbekistan, 2nd floor, #210