“On the State Program for Improving the Teaching and Learning of Russian and English Languages in the Republic of Tajikistan for the Period until 2030” State Educational Institution Institute for Advanced Training of Teachers of Higher Professional Education Institutions at the Tajik National University together with the project “English Without Borders” (EWB) of the Public Organization “Durakhshi” Marifat” organized a comprehensive three-day event to improve the professional development of English teachers.

English Without Borders (EWB) Project Delivered a Three-Day Professional Development Training for EL Teachers at State Educational Institution Institute for Advanced Training of Teachers of Higher Professional Education Institutions at the Tajik National University – From November 21-23, EWB conducted a comprehensive three-day training in Dushanbe, covering the topics of “Enhancing English Teaching with PPP, TBL and CLT Strategies,” and “Project Proposal Writing Skills” for 25 English teachers.

The primary goal of this training was to empower teachers by introducing effective methods such as Presentation, Practice, Production (PPP) and Task-Based Learning (TBL), and the principles of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT), as well as project proposal writing skills to apply for EWB Master Workshop mini-grants. These contemporary methods opened a new avenue for the participants in their teaching practice. The participants were excited to explore these methods and were actively engaged during the training. During the project proposal writing session the participants learned about how to write problem statement, goals and objectives by using SMART tools as well as useful tips to apply for the EWB Master Workshop mini-grants. Engaging in three-day training allowed English teachers to acquire insights and practical approaches, engage in various activities to consolidate their knowledge with peers and further enhance the impact and engagement in their lessons. In addition, the participants were introduced to the EWB Network and the opportunities offered for EL teachers and learners.

As a result of their participation, EL teachers are now better equipped to contribute to the creation of vibrant and effective English language classrooms by using effective methods of teaching. Notably, teachers from Tajik National University, Professor Saidzoda Halim, and Abdulloeva Mehrangez, who attended the EWB National Conference in October, actively shared the knowledge acquired at the EWB Conference on the fourth-day of the training with their colleagues. This collaborative knowledge-sharing process further enhances the ongoing professional development of English educators at the university. By the end of the training the participants received EWB Certificates and the administration of State Educational Institution Institute for Advanced Training of Teachers of Higher Professional Education Institutions at the Tajik National University requested to continue collaboration with EWB and conduct more training for EL teachers at the university in the nearest future. Since 2021 Public Organization “Durakhshi Marifat” with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Tajikistan and the U.S. Embassy has been implementing English Without Borders Project which is in line with Tajikistan government agenda on improving teaching and learning capacities by 2030.

Saidzoda Halim Aziz

Doctor of philologycal sciences