International scientific and practical online conference “The state of accounting, analysis and audit in the context of digitalization: problems and prospects for development”, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of doctor of economics, professor R.A. Uzenbaev.


On October 16, 2020, the International Scientific and Practical Online Conference “The State of Accounting, Analysis and Auditing in the Context of Digitalization: Problems and Prospects for Development”, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of doctor of economic sciences, professor R.A. Uzenbaev was held at the Osh Technological University named after M.M. Adyshev.

The online conference was attended by the rector of TNU, professor Khushvakhtzoda Q. Kh., doctor of economic sciences, professor Nizomov S.F., doctor of economic sciences, professor Ibrokhimzoda I.R., candidate of economic sciences Khudoinazarov D.A. teachers and students.

The following topics were considered during the conference: “Formation of elements of management control in the management accounting system”; “Forward-looking financial reporting: an alternative approach”; “Regional problems of the transboundary principle of using the natural resource potential of the river basins of Tajikistan”; “Theoretical aspects of raising the standard of living of the population.”