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https://youtu.be/9rTNEIfBJlU The grand opening of the educational and nanotechnology laboratory took place on October 20, on the basis of the TNU Research Institute. The opening ceremony was attended by the TNU rector, professor Khushvakhtzoda Q.Kh.  and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Republic of Tajikistan Mr....
On October 9, Programme Specialist for Natural Sciences, UNESCO Almaty Cluster Office for Kazakhstan Ms. Kristine Tovmasyan and GLOFCA Project Coordinator in Dushanbe Natalia Kim visited Tajik National University within the framework of the project " Reducing vulnerabilities of populations in the Central Asian region from glacier lake outburst floods in a changing climate. " The guests...
September 30, 2021, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the Republic of Tajikistan Waleed Abdulrahman A. Al Reshaidan visited the Tajik National University. Professor Khushvakhtzoda Q.Kh. and Mirzamonzoda Kh. M., Vice-Rector for International Affairs, held talks with Mr. Waleed Abdulrahman A. Al Reshaidan Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of...
On September 28, the ceremony of awarding medals for participation in the 14th International Exhibition "KIWIE-2021" and the International Women's Forum took place at the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan. The ceremony was attended by the Minister of Economic Development and Trade Zavki Zavkizoda who made welcoming remarks and handed out the awards. Among the awardees is...
Distinguished Mr. Chairman,Excellency Secretary-General,Ladies and gentlemen, At the outset, I would like to convey my congratulations to the Chairman of this session of the UN General Assembly, Mr. Abdullah Shahid, on his election to this post. Dear colleagues, On September 9, the glorious...
On September 22, Tajikistan celebrates the Rudaki Day - the founder of classical Persian and Tajik literature. The holiday is marked by conferences, poetry readings, concerts and etc. On the eve of the celebration of Rudaki Day, a scientific conference was held at the Faculty of Tajik Philology with the participation of...
The Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) COMPASS project, hosted by the University of Kent in partnership with the University of Cambridge (UK), ADA University (Azerbaijan), Belarusian State University (Belarus), TNU (Tajikistan) and the University of World Economy and Diplomacy (Uzbekistan), has been shortlisted for the International Collaboration of the Year at the Times Higher Education (THE) Awards 2021. The...
On the eve of the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the State Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan the following teachers and employees of the department of military training and civil protection of Tajik National University received state awards: The Jubilee Medal for the 30th Anniversary of State Independence...
Dear compatriots,Honorable guests,Ladies and Gentlemen, September 9 is a historical and landmark date and a moment of happiness and high dignity for the ancient, creative and glorious Tajik people, who highly values culture. The noble people of Tajikistan celebrate the 30th anniversary of their independent, free...
On the 1st of September the traditional solemn ceremony, devoted to the Day of Knowledge, was held in Tajik National University. The event was attended by students, teachers and staff of the University administration. Distinguished invitees included Deputy Prime Minister Sattoriyon Matlubahon Amonzoda and Minister of Education of the Republic of Tajikistan Mahmadyusuf Imomzoda. The opening ceremony was led by...
