Presentation of state awards


The Founder of Peace and National Unity, Leader of the Nation, President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon presented state decoration and title conferment certificates to more than seventy individuals for their outstanding achievements in science, education, technology, culture, literature, health care, and manufacturing.

The event took place in the Palace of the Nation. Among those who received orders and medals were public figures, civil servants, figures from culture and arts, teachers, workers, entrepreneurs, builders, agricultural sector workers, and representatives of other professions.

It is a great honor that among the honored state awards were the teachers of the Tajik National University.

Among those working in scientific area who received state awards under the presidential decree of 28 August 2020, there were seven teachers from Tajik national universities.

 By the order of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Vice-Rector for Science, Doctor of Chemistry, Professor Safarmamadzoda Safarmamad Muboraksho, Vice-Rector for Educational Work, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor Rakhmonzoda Jamila Mirzo, Head of the Department of Teaching Methods of Russian Language and Literature of the Faculty of Russian Philology, Professor Khodzhimatova Head of the Department of Gulchekh and Masidov TV and Radio Broadcasting Faculty of Journalism, Associate Professor Gulov Sangin Nurovich were awarded the “Khizmati Shoista” medal. The Ismoili Somoni award was received by young scientists of the university: dean of the Faculty of Law Rahmon Dilshod Safarbek, dean of the Faculty of Chemistry Faizullozoda Erkin Fatkhullo, head of the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biotechnology of the Faculty of Pharmacy Navruzzoda Ganjina Furkat.

In the afternoon, a regular meeting of the Academic Council took place. Opening the meeting, the rector of TNU, professor Khushvakhtzoda Q.Kh. thanked the staff for their professionalism, efficiency, responsible work and solemnly presented the badge “Excellence in Education and Science of Tajikistan” to the honored employees and teachers of the university.

The awards were presented to:

  • Mohira Ergashova – Head of the Department of Statistics, Faculty of Accounting and Digital Economy
  • Rustam Ganiev – assistant of the rector
  • Davlatali Mukhsinov – Head of the Department of Management and Marketing, Faculty of Economics and Management
  • Sukhbat Muminov – Senior Lecturer at the Department of Physical Education.
  • Karomatullo Ismonov – Director of the Publishing Center.