Today (15.05.2023) the National Entrepreneurship Forum was held at the Tajik National University under the title “Youth is the engine of innovative business development”. This forum was organized by the State Enterprise “Center for the Intellectual and Economic Development of Youth” of the Committee of Youth and Sports under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan in cooperation with the Tajik National University as part of the Action Plan dedicated to the Youth Companion and the celebration of the Youth Day of Tajikistan (May 23), in which successful entrepreneur of the country Saidmurod Davlatov took part.

The forum began with an introductory speech by the Chairman of the Committee for Youth and Sports under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan Rahmonzoda Abdullo. In his speech, the chairman congratulated all participants of the Forum on the Day of Youth and noted that youth is a creative and driving force of society. It is young people who, with their knowledge and ingenuity, can represent our native state and country on the world stage…

It was also noted that the purpose of holding this event and inviting successful entrepreneurs of the country to this event is to increase the level of knowledge of participants related to the development of entrepreneurship in our country.

Then the Rector of the Tajik National University, Professor Khushvakhtzoda K.Kh. delivered a speech and expressed his opinion on the improvement of theoretical and practical knowledge of students in the economic direction. It was emphasized that the majority of participants in this forum are students of economic areas of the university and other universities and institutions of the country. Such activities can help students to put their theoretical knowledge into practice.

“The upbringing of youth, which is the main engine of the development of the state, in the spirit of patriotism and self-awareness, the training of highly qualified personnel in various fields is one of the priorities of the state and government” –was mentioned at the event…

In his speech, Saidmurod Davlatov, a successful businessman of the country, spoke about the development of the business sector in the Republic of Tajikistan and noted that for the development of any industry it is necessary to train highly qualified personnel. Every young person should strive to improve his knowledge, read a lot of books and share books with peers. “We must choose a path through which we can better represent the state of Tajikistan in the international arena. However, we must not forget that in order to begin any path, we first need a teacher. So, having achieved success and improving theoretical and practical knowledge, we can not only contribute to the development of innovative entrepreneurship, but also become successful entrepreneurs”- he said.

Then a lively discussion took place between the participants and businessman Saidmurod Davlatov. Also, the final part of the event was devoted to the topic of mutually beneficial cooperation in the effective implementation of the state youth policy, creating conditions for the active participation of the future generation of the country in political, economic, social, cultural life, thus forming their entrepreneurial activity and a sense of patriotism. At the end of the forum, in honor of the Youth Day of Tajikistan, the Rector of the Tajik National University Khushvakhtzoda K. was awarded a certificate of honor from the leadership of the Committee for Youth and Sports under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan.

We remind you that the goal of the Forum is to attract young people to entrepreneurial activities, study best practices and promote entrepreneurship development, as well as create jobs among young people.

Employee of the Information and Analytical Center of TNU, Professor Saidzoda Kh.