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Домой Блог Страница 13
On December 21, Assistant to the President on Social Development and Public Relations Nasriddinzoda Emomali Saifiddin, First Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan Jurazoda Jamshed Khabibullo, Director of the Center for Islamic Studies, Professor Kholikzoda Abdurrakhim Gaffor Saifiddin, Chairman of the Higher Attestation Commission Roziqzoda Abdulhakim Sherali, Director of the State Institution...
Dear Sir/Madam, We are excited to announce that the CAREC University Startup Generator 2023, supported by the Asian Development Bank and Republic of Korea e-Asia and Knowledge Partnership Fund, is opening for registration from 15 December, 2022 to 01 February, 2023! The CAREC University Startup Generator 2023 is a competitive innovation challenge for university students in the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) region to develop practical,...

TMHE 2023

Dear Colleagues, We invite you to take part in the international scientific and practical seminar "Teaching mathematics in higher education and working with gifted students in contemporary context" (TMHE 2023), which will be held on February 23, 2023 in the Interstate Educational Institution of Higher Education "Belarusian-Russian University". Problem field of...
On December 5, 2022 a conference was held at Tajik National University, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the membership of Tajikistan in the United Nations. The conference was attended by the UN Resident Coordinator in the Republic of Tajikistan, Ms. Sezin Sinanoglu, the Rector of the Tajik National University, Professor Khushvakhtzoda Qobiljon Khushvakht, students and teachers.
On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Tajikistan and the People's Republic of China, a meeting was held between Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to the Republic of Tajikistan Ji Shumin and students of the Tajik National University. The meeting was opened by the rector...
In the recent history of Tajikistan, one of the brightest pages of political history can rightfully be considered the acquisition of state independence. The best and most important action for the development of the country's independence is the holding of the 16th session of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Tajikistan (twelfth convocation) on November 16,...
International scientific-practical journal ''Endless Light in Science'' APPLICATION FORM
